Witnessing hunger first hand and its impact on our communities changed the way we thought about food and humanity, which is why we want to give back in big way.
BUFF HER will donate a portion for each sale of 1.5 oz bottle of exfoliating food facial scrub to the Children's Hunger Fund. Each bottle sold provides up to 4 meals for children in need. The Children's Hunger Fund is a 501c3 non-profit corporation providing nourishing food for hungry kids across America and throughout the world. childrenshungerfund.
As it is important to feed your skin with the proper vitamins & nutrients, it is just as important to feed the body and the millions of children around the world who are hungry or suffering from starvation. One in every nine persons in the world goes to bed, hungry at night.
As children, we watched our grandmother give back in a big way. She was the neighborhood grandma often feeding everyone in the community. She maintained an open door policy and never turned any child or adult away.
FOOD BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER and that has been a guiding principle here at Buff Her!
We hope and pray you join us on this journey to help end world hunger. #FeedMeSmooth